Can large-scale expansion of off-shore wind power be ecologically sustainable? In previous studies, AquaBiota has found that the impact can vary greatly depending on where wind farms are built, what technology is used, and what marine organisms are in the vicinity. In the 3 year project Marin MedVind – Basis for Large Scale Sustainable Windpower […]
MYSTIC – Mysid-Stickleback Interactions with Coastal Predatory Fish in the Baltic Sea
Many coastal fish communities in the Baltic Sea have experienced a regime shift where predatory fish (pike and perch) have been replaced by three-spined sticklebacks. Hypotheses for the decline in top predators involve top-down control of adult fish by cormorants and seals, predation on the larvae by three-spined stickleback, and stickleback competition for zooplankton. However, […]
Research project for improved drinking water quality in Jämtlands mountain range
AquaBiota is participating in the research project ECWA-NOR. The ECWA-NOR research project aims to ensure the quality of our streams through analysis and tracking of intestinal bacteria, eDNA and analysis of intergenomic regions. The gut bacteria Escherichia coli (E. coli) occurs in feces and can only survive for short time periods outside of the intestinal […]
CARAMBHA – Cumulative impact assessment of marine benthic habitats
A significant proportion of our sea areas are strongly impacted by a multitude of human activities, and cumulative effects of various stressors on coastal and marine ecosystems is a pressing problem. The research project CARAMBHA runs between 2020-2022 and will develop methodologies for Marine Strategy Framework Directive status assessments on seafloor integrity. The seafloor is […]
A four-year (2019-2022) international research project on development of methodology and quality control for monitoring of aquatic animals in various habitats such as lakes, running waters and marine environments using environmental DNA (eDNA) and metabarcoding. Traditional aquatic species surveys typically require vast investments in equipment, time and skilled taxonomists to identify species. Besides often being […]
IMAGINE – Implications of Alternative Management Strategies on Marine Green Infrastructure
Results from IMAGINE, a research project on marine landscape management, are now published. The focus of IMAGINE is to investigate how different management strategies can be used strengthen and support the preservation of green infrastructure in the marine environment. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency defines green infrastructure as “an ecologically functional network of habitats and […]
NISSES – Non-Indigenous Species in Swedish seas: development of Environmental Status indicators
A research project on marine non-indigenous species aiming at developing a set of indicators for good environmental status in Sweden. The research project NISSES, financed by Swedish EPA, started in 2014 and will run during two years. The anthropogenic dispersal of non-indigenous species (NIS) has been identified as one of the largest threats to biodiversity, both […]
SAMBAH was an international project with the ultimate goal to secure the conservation of the Baltic Sea harbour porpoise. The project involved all EU countries around the Baltic Sea. To achieve this, SAMBAH aimed to increase the knowledge about the Baltic Sea harbour porpoise, estimating densities and total abundance. The project also produced distribution maps […]