Wave action is one of the most important factors determining species distribution in the littoral zone. Thereby it provides an important basis for describing shallow seabed habitats, and is indispensable for GIS-modelling of species living in that environment.
An ecologically relevant method for calculating wave exposure has been developed by Isæus (2004). The method is called SWM (Simplified Wave Exposure) and is adapted for the EUNIS classification system. The SWM method has been used in calculations for the entire Baltic Sea and Norwegian coastlines, commissioned by the nature conservation authorities in these countries or the EU. It has also been applied in a series of scientific publications and coastal planning projects.
SWM wave exposure calculations are available in the following reports:
- The Swedish coast: Sammanställning och analys av kustnära undervattensmiljö (SAKU) (in Swedish)
- The Finnish coast: Wave exposure calculation for the Finnish coast
- The Baltic Sea coasts: Wave exposure calculations for the Baltic Sea. This report also presents wave exposure layers for the entire Baltic Sea, including previous SWM calculations for coastal areas and recalculated significant wave height from DHI (www.dhigroup.com) for offshore areas.

SWM wave exposure in the Åland archipelago, resolution 25 m.

Wave exposure in the Baltic Sea, resolution 0,003 degrees.
Wave exposure in the Baltic Sea, resolution 0,003 degrees.