AquaBiota performed a marine conservation value assessment and extensive field surveys of the coastal waters off Lidingö for Lidingö Municipality’s work with a “blue plan”. Lidingö has launched a project to increase knowledge of the municipality’s aquatic nature values. This knowledge is necessary in municipal planning to highlight conservation values, threats and opportunities for development. […]
Archives for December 2015
Basis for coastal and marine planning in western Hanöbukten
The report from our project with the Municipality of Kristianstad, which aimed to develop a common basis for coastal and marine planning for Kristianstad, Simrishamn and Bromölla municipalities, is now available. It compiles and describes comprehensive information on the marine natural environment and various human interests in the western Hanö Bight. The majority of these […]
IrPlast and Weather-mic – two new research projects aiming to increase our knowledge on plastic litter degradation processes and their spatial distribution
AquaBiota has, since recently, an ongoing project on microplastics (MPs) that assesses the toxicity of these particles and their effects on aquatic food webs. Our understanding of the processes governing plastic decomposition/weathering is however scant. Moreover, there are no standardized methods for the identification and quantification of microplastics from environmental samples. To develop our understanding […]
Marine survey of Natura 2000-area Bratten and development of a method for a more efficient use of depth data
Commissioned by Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (SwAM), the Natura2000-area Bratten in Skagerrak will be hydrographic surveyed by AquaBiota in collaboration with Clinton Marine Survey. In conjunction with this, marine survey data is also collected from shallow coastal waters with the purpose of interpreting benthic biotopes. A multibeam echo sounder capable of recording […]
End of the six-year water management cycle
The second six-year water management cycle will end during the month of December and a now one will start at 2016. At the end of this cycle, all so called surface water bodies shall have reached the Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) “good ecological status” or “good ecological potential”. Moreover, no surface water body that have […]