New scientific publication Title Testing the Potential for Predictive Modeling and Mapping and Extending Its Use as a Tool for Evaluating Management Scenarios and Economic Valuation in the Baltic Sea (PREHAB) Abstract We evaluated performance of species distribution models for predictive mapping, and how models can be used to integrate human pressures into ecological and […]
Archives for July 2014
New report from the SUPERB project
Underwater biotopes and anthropogenic pressures in Holmöarna Sammanfattning Vi har för Holmöarna modellerat utbredningen av biotoper klassade enligt HELCOM Underwater Biotope and habitat classification (HUB). Systemet har utvecklats för att ge en gemensam förståelse för Östersjöns biotoper, habitat och samhällen. I modelleringen har vi även testat hur substratinformation, både från fältdata och klassat från Lidar, […]
Eutrophication management scenarios
Eutrophication management scenarios Ny vetenskaplig publikation Titel Evaluating eutrophication management scenarios in the Baltic Sea using species distribution modelling Summary Eutrophication is severely affecting species distributions and ecosystem functioning in coastal areas. Targets for eutrophication reduction have been set in the Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) using Secchi depth, a measure of water transparency, as […]
New report; Natura 2000 habitat types
Sandbanks, reefs, Baltic esker islands and boreal Baltic islets and small islands A report on mapping the potential distribution of the habitat types 1110 sandbanks, 1170 reefs, 1610 Baltic esker islands and 1620 boreal Baltic islets and small islands in Västernorrland, Södermanland, Östergötland, Blekinge and Skåne counties, as well as Gullmarsfjorden and a Skagerrak area […]
Underwater noise in the Baltic Sea
AquaBiota participates in the EU LIFE+ project BIAS, which acts to support the management of underwater noise in the Baltic Sea. The project will establish an implementation plan with standards, methodologies, and tools which facilitate the handling of underwater noise within the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. While sound measurements are carried out during 2014, at […]
Species–environment relationships
Species–environment relationships New scientific publication Titel Species–environment relationships and potential for distribution modelling in coastal waters Abstract Due to increasing pressure on the marine environment there is a growing need to understand species–environment relationships. To provide background for prioritising among variables (predictors) for use in distribution models, the relevance of predictors for benthic species was […]
SAMBAH conference on porpoises
8th-9th Dec 2014, at Kolmården Wildlife Park, Sweden Kolmården Wildlife Park and AquaBiota has the pleasure to invite you to the SAMBAH end-of project conference, to be held 8-9 December 2014. Here, the final results of SAMBAH will be presented, including abundance estimates and distribution maps of harbour porpoises in the Baltic Sea, and the […]
New reports; Stockholm, Sörmland
Marin modelling Stockholm Södermanland (MMSS) Two reports from the project Marin modelling Stockholm Södermanland (MMSS) are now published. Report summary There is a great need for increased knowledge on the marine environment, both for regional and local coastal planning, and as a basis for supervision and decision making under the Environmental Code. Maps of the […]